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Published: August 30 2012, 9:02:00 AMUpdated: September 02 2022, 2:03:30 AM

What kind of dispute is created when a buyer choose the third option "I want to return an item and get a refund." (Easy Returns) in the resolution center ( or



 RETURN case type is created for the Easy Returns case opened in the UK or DE resolution center ( or This case type can be retrieved in ResolutionCaseManagementService as below:

  <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <getUserCasesResponse xmlns="">
                  <itemTitle>TEST TEST TEST TEST</itemTitle>
               <caseAmount currencyId="EUR">1.0</caseAmount>

Keep in mind that RETURN type is applicable for UK and DE only (It is not applicable for US)


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