Retrieving the watch count of an item Find the answer to your question
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Published: July 18 2012, 10:23:00 AM Updated: August 23 2022, 5:37:27 AM
How can I get the WatchCount of an item?
How to retrieve the watch count of an item
Detailed Description
There are a few ways and a few calls to retrieive the watch count of an item.
1. GetItem - when making a GetItem request, be sure to include IncludeWatchCount and set it to true. This will return the WatchCount in the response.
2. GetMyeBaySelling - this will get the watch count of items and variations.
3. GetMyeBayBuying - this will get a list of items you are watching. Be sure to include <WatchList>. Once you have this list you can also see how many other users are watching the item.
*NOTE - buyers can add and delete items from their watch list. So the WatchCount may change. For example, if I am watching an item, and a seller was to inquire about the WatchCount and gets back a "1". If I then delete that item from my watch list, when the seller inquires again he will see a "0".
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