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I am getting the following exception when making Trading API calls using eBay Java SDK . What is the problem?
com.ebay.sdk.SdkException: ApiCall.execute() - Couldn't create SOAP message due to exception: unexpected XML tag. expected: {}Envelope but found: {urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents}GeteBayOfficialTimeResponse at com.ebay.sdk.ApiCall.executeByApiName( at com.ebay.sdk.ApiCall.execute( at at |
Detailed Description
The Couldn't create SOAP message due to exception: unexpected XML error thrown in Java SDK indicates that you used the XML API Gateway URI as ( for Sandbox) for your SOAP API calls .
To correct the problem, you need to set the SOAP API Gateway URI for your ApiContext object as below in Java SDK:
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext();
Sandbox: apiContext.setApiServerUrl("")
Production: apiContext.setApiServerUrl("")
Additional Resources
- Trading API Document: Routing the Request (Gateway URLs)
- Knowledget Base: Unsupported Verb error for SOAP request
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