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Question: What is the proper way to remove a ShippingDiscountProfileID value during Revise/Relist operation?
Answer: In order to remove the ShippingDiscountProfileID associated with an item during revise/relist, send the entire Shipping container but omit the ShippingDiscountProfileID or send it in as 0.
Lets understand with the help of an example. An item was listed with the following ShippingDetails container. As you can see, the seller associated ShippingDiscountProfileID - 7202000 with the item.
<ShippingDetails> <ShippingType>Flat</ShippingType> <ShippingServiceOptions> <ShippingService>ShippingMethodStandard</ShippingService> <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">3</ShippingServiceCost> <ShippingServicePriority>1</ShippingServicePriority> </ShippingServiceOptions> <ShippingDiscountProfileID>7202000</ShippingDiscountProfileID> </ShippingDetails> |
If the seller wishes to remove the ShippingDiscountProfileID associated with this listing, sending the following ShippingDetails container during Revise/Relist will work.
<ShippingDetails> <ShippingType>Flat</ShippingType> <ShippingServiceOptions> <ShippingService>ShippingMethodStandard</ShippingService> <ShippingServiceCost currencyID="USD">3</ShippingServiceCost> <ShippingServicePriority>1</ShippingServicePriority> </ShippingServiceOptions> <!-- Alternately drop the ShippingDiscountProfileID tag --> <ShippingDiscountProfileID>0</ShippingDiscountProfileID> </ShippingDetails> |
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