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Calculated shipping: The postage cost will be calculated based on dimensional weight, not the actual weight of your package. What does this warning mean?
When creating a multi-quantity listing that uses the shipping calculator to calculate shipping rates. The AddItem response will return the following warning.
<ShortMessage>The postage cost will be calculated based on dimensional weight, not the actual weight of your package.</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>The postage cost will be calculated based on dimensional weight, not the actual weight of your package. Please check the weight and dimensions of your package.</LongMessage>
What this indicates is when muliple items are combined together, the shipping calculators will double only the weight not the dimensions.
So if for example an item has the following dimensions:
20x12x18 and the weight is 12lbs
If 2 items are selected, then the shipping calculation will be based one the following dimensions:
20x12x18 and the weight is 24lbs.
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