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The base request type of the moveStoreCategory method. It is used to provide the name of the category to be moved and its new location.

Types that use MoveStoreCategoryRequestType

Not used by any types.

Call that uses MoveStoreCategoryRequestType


The unique identifier of an eBay Store's custom category. eBay auto-generates this identifier when a seller establishes a custom store category. This category ID should not be confused with an eBay category ID. This is the category that is moved.
The new parent category of the category to be moved is specified in this field. If the category is being moved to level 1 category, set this value to -999.
This field is only needed if the category to be moved is a leaf category with listings, but a category that becomes a non-leaf category after the move. The listings of the category to be moved are moved to the category specified in this field.

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