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The base request type of the addStoreCategory method. It is used to provide the name and location for the new category.

Types that use AddStoreCategoryRequestType

Not used by any types.

Call that uses AddStoreCategoryRequestType


The seller-specified name of the custom category.

Max Length: 35
This field is used to specify the parent category to which the new category belongs. To specify the new category as a top-level category, set the value of this field to -999, or just omit this field, as the default value is -999.
The getStoreCategories method can be used to retrieve store category IDs.

Default: ROOT category ID(-999) if it's null.
If the store category specified as the destinationParentCategoryId is a leaf category with active listings, those listings are moved to the store category identified through this listingDestinationCategoryId. If this field is omitted, the new store category being added under the parent category inherits those listings.
The getStoreCategories method can be used to retrieve store category IDs.

Default: Newly added category ID if it's null.

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