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The Stores API is used to provide stores related resources for third-party developers to integrate. The Stores API has the following entities:

  • Store: User must have an active eBay Store.
  • Category: Leaf categories have listings.

Technical overview

The Stores API is more-or-less a "standalone" REST-based API that lets you add, delete and rename a single category, move the categories of an eBay store, retrieve eBay store category hierarchy and information about an eBay store, as well as retrieve status information on those tasks. eBay Stores supports up to three level of categories.

For those who are new to using eBay RESTful APIs, it is recommended that you read the Using eBay RESTful APIs document, which summarizes eBay developer account requirements, OAuth access tokens, handling error messages, and more.

Business use cases

The high-level use cases addressed by the Stores API include:

  • Add a single category in an eBay store.
  • Delete a single category in an eBay store.
  • Retrieve information about an eBay store.
  • Retrieve eBay store category hierarchy.
  • Move the categories of a user's eBay store.
  • Rename the single category of a user's eBay store

Stores API requirements and restrictions

  • To use the Stores API (or any other eBay public API), the user must have an eBay Developers Program account, and the user's seller account must be opted in to Business Policies.
  • The user must be an eBay Seller.
  • The user must have created an active eBay Store on the eBay website.
  • The user must have an eBay Stores subscription.

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