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This document provides information about archived Inventory API Release Notes. For information about the ten most recent releases, refer to Inventory API Release Notes.

Release Version Release Date Description of Release
Version 1.11.1 2021-01-07 Added 204 return status to updateOffer and corrected OfferResponse documentation, and other documentation updates.
Version 1.11.0 2020-09-30 Added location-based inventory, scheduled listing, and private listing capabilities.
Version 1.10.0 2020-09-10 Added the ability to list an item in two categories.
Version 1.9.0 2020-04-28 Minor release
Version 1.8.0 2020-02-20 Minor release
Version 1.7.0 2019-10-11 Minor release
Version 1.6.0 2018-08-09 Minor release
Version 1.5.0 2017-09-15 Minor release
Version 1.4.0 2017-08-21 Minor release
Version 1.3.0 2017-07-21 Minor release
Version 1.2.0 2017-06-15 Minor release
Version 1.1.0 2017-01-26 Minor release
Version 1.0.0 2016-10-19 Initial API release

Version 1.11.1

This release of the Inventory API includes changes to the documentation and other updates for the following resources:


  • Added http status code of 204 Success. With a successful updateOffer call, an http status code of 204 Success is returned, and there is no response payload.


  • Removed 204 status code


  • Added 25710 error code


  • Corrected OfferResponse type documentation. The offerId value is only returned with successful a createOffer call. This field will not be returned in the updateOffer response.

Version 1.11.0

The following sections detail the updates that have been made for this release.

New Features

The following features were added for this release.

Ability to set available quantity at specific warehouse locations

An availabilityDistributions array was added under the shipToLocationAvailability container in inventory_item resource methods to allow the seller to set available quantity at specific warehouse locations.

Scheduled listings now supported

A listingStartDate field was added to offer resource methods to allow the seller to set a 'scheduled listing' time. With scheduled listings, the seller can set the published offer to be become an active listing at a later date/time, and not become active as soon as the publishOffer method is used.

Private listings now supported

A hideBuyerDetailsfield was added to offer resource methods to allow the seller to create a private listing. With private listings, the user IDs of buyers/bidders are only shown to the seller of the listing, and not to any other eBay users.

Schema Changes

The following schema elements were added with this release:

Type Change Used By
AvailabilityDistribution New type createOrReplaceInventoryItem, getInventoryItem, getInventoryItems, bulkCreateOrReplaceInventoryItem, bulkGetInventoryItem, bulkUpdatePriceQuantity
ShipToLocationAvailability availabilityDistributions array added createOrReplaceInventoryItem, getInventoryItem, getInventoryItems, bulkCreateOrReplaceInventoryItem, bulkGetInventoryItem, bulkUpdatePriceQuantity
EbayOfferDetailsWithKeys listingStartDate and hideBuyerDetails fields added createOffer, bulkCreateOffer
EbayOfferDetailsWithId listingStartDate and hideBuyerDetails fields added updateOffer
EbayOfferDetailsWithAll listingStartDate and hideBuyerDetails fields added getOffer, getOffers
  • secondaryCategoryId field was added to allow sellers to list an item under two categories. This field was added to three types: EbayOfferDetailsWithKeys, EbayOfferDetailsWithAll, and EbayOfferDetailsWithId

Version 1.10.0

The following sections detail the updates that have been made for this release.

New Feature

A secondary category id allows items to be listed in two categories.

Schema Changes

The following schema elements were added with this release:

  • secondaryCategoryId field was added to allow sellers to list an item under two categories. This field was added to three types: EbayOfferDetailsWithKeys, EbayOfferDetailsWithAll, and EbayOfferDetailsWithId

Version 1.9.0

The following sections detail the updates that have been made for this release.

New Feature

The new includeCatalogProductDetails boolean field in the Offer methods gives sellers control over whether they want to use eBay catalog product details for their offer.

This field was added to createOffer, updateOffer, getOffer, getOffers, and bulkCreateOffers methods.

Schema Changes

The following schema elements were added with this release:

  • includeCatalogProductDetails field was added to three types: EbayOfferDetailsWithKeys, EbayOfferDetailsWithAll, and EbayOfferDetailsWithId.

Version 1.8.0

The following sections detail the updates that have been made for this release.

New Features

Charitable Listings Now Supported in Inventory API

Charitable listings are now supported with the Inventory API. With charitable listings, the seller is able to select a charitable organization that will receive a percentage of sale proceeds for each sale generated by the eBay listing. The seller uses the new charity container of the createOffer method to create a charitable listing, the charity container of the bulkCreateOffer method to create multiple charitable listings, or the seller can also use the same charity container in an updateOffer method to update an existing listing as a charitable listing.

The charity container was also added to the getOffer and getOffers methods, and this container will be returned if applicable to the offer(s).

Schema Changes

The following schema elements were added with this release:

  • Charity type was added to support the charitable listings feature.

Version 1.7.0

The following sections detail the updates that have been made for this release.

New Features

Best Offer Now Supported in Inventory API

The Best Offer feature is now supported with the Inventory API. The new bestOfferTerms container (under listingPolicies container) can now be used in a createOffer, updateOffer, or bulkCreateOffer method to enable the Best Offer feature and to set the 'auto-acccept' and 'auto-decline' Best Offer price thresholds.

Changed Functionality

Motor Vehicle Aspects Now Set with Name/Value Pairs in createOrReplaceProductCompatibility Method

Motor vehicle aspects are now set with name/value pairs under the new compatibilityProperties array. Prior to this release, compatible motor vehicles were defined using the productFamilyProperties container. The productFamilyProperties container will still be supported through February 2021, but it is recommended that you make plans to use/migrate to the compatibilityProperties array as soon as possible.

Schema Changes

The following schema elements were added with this release:

  • BestOffer type was added to support the Best Offer feature
  • bestOfferTerms field was added to ListingPolicies type so seller can enable the Best Offer feature on an offer
  • compatibilityProperties array added to CompatibleProduct type to support a new way of defining motor vehicles for a Parts Compatibility list
  • NameValueList type was added to support the name/value pairs through the compatibilityProperties array

New Error Codes Added to createOrReplaceProductCompatibility Method

The following error codes were added to the createOrReplaceProductCompatibility method to cover any issues with using the new compatibilityProperties container to specify motor vehicle aspect name/value pairs:

  • 25739: User input error. The number of compatibilityProperties in the request cannot exceed {additionalInfo}.
  • 25740: User input error. Invalid name for compatibilityProperties. The length should be between 1 and {additionalInfo} characters.
  • 25741: User input error. Invalid value for compatibilityProperties. The length should be between 1 and {additionalInfo} characters.
  • 25742: User input error. productFamilyProperties and compatibilityProperties cannot be used together. Please use compatibilityProperties.

Version 1.6.0

The following sections detail the updates that have been made for this release.

New Calls

The following new calls were added in Version 1.6.0.

  • bulkCreateOrReplaceInventoryItem: this operation can be used to create and/or update up to 25 inventory item records
  • bulkGetInventoryItem: this operation can be used to retrieve up to 25 inventory item records
  • bulkCreateOffer: this operation can be used to create up to 25 unpublished offers
  • bulkPublishOffer: this operation can be used to convert up to 25 unpublished offers into live eBay listings
  • withdrawOfferByInventoryItemGroup: this operation can be used to end a multiple-variation eBay listing that is associated with the specified inventory item group.

New Types

The following table covers the new types (in alphabetical order) that were added for the new calls:

New Type Used By
BulkEbayOfferDetailsWithKeys bulkCreateOffer
BulkGetInventoryItem bulkGetInventoryItem
BulkGetInventoryItemResponse bulkGetInventoryItem
BulkInventoryItem bulkCreateOrReplaceInventoryItem
BulkInventoryItemResponse bulkCreateOrReplaceInventoryItem
BulkOffer bulkPublishOffer
BulkOfferResponse bulkCreateOffer
BulkPublishResponse bulkPublishOffer
GetInventoryItem bulkGetInventoryItem
GetInventoryItemResponse bulkGetInventoryItem
InventoryItemResponse bulkCreateOrReplaceInventoryItem
InventoryItemWithSkuLocale bulkCreateOrReplaceInventoryItem
InventoryItemWithSkuLocaleGroupid bulkCreateOrReplaceInventoryItem
InventoryItemWithSkuLocale bulkCreateOrReplaceInventoryItem
InventoryItemWithSkuLocaleGroupKeys bulkGetInventoryItem
OfferResponseWithListingId bulkPublishOffer
OfferSkuResponse bulkCreateOffer
WithdrawByInventoryItemGroupRequest withdrawOfferByInventoryItemGroup

The InventoryItemWithSkuLocaleGroupid type was also added, and is now used instead of the InventoryItem type in the getInventoryItem and getInventoryItems responses. The InventoryItem type is still used by the request payload of createOrReplaceInventoryItem method.

The LocalEnum type was also added, and will be used by Inventory Item operations, but it is not yet enabled.

New Fields

The following new fields were added to existing types:

  • ebayPlusIfEligible field added to ListingPolicies type. This field is included in an offer and set to true if a Top-Rated seller is opted in to the eBay Plus program. The eBay Plus program is only available on the Germany and Australia sites at this time.
  • lotSize field added to EbayOfferDetailsWithAll, EbayOfferDetailsWithId, and EbayOfferDetailsWithKeys types. This field is only applicable for lot listings, and its value sets the number of items in the lot listing.

Other Schema Changes

Since the new InventoryItemWithSkuLocaleGroupid type is now used instead of the InventoryItem type in the getInventoryItem and getInventoryItems responses. The sku and groupIds fields were deprecated from the InventoryItem type.

Version 1.5.0

The following sections detail the updates that have been made for this release.

New Call

The publishOfferByInventoryItemGroup call was added in Version 1.5.0. This call allows the seller to publish all offers associated with an inventory item group with one API call. Previously, the user had to use a publishOffer call for each variation in the multiple-variation listing, with the first publishOffer call creating the listing with that first variation, and each subsequent publishOffer call would revise that existing listing with the next variation in the group. For the publishOfferByInventoryItemGroup call to be successful, all offers associated with the inventory items in the group must be valid. If one of those offers is not valid, the publishOfferByInventoryItemGroup call will fail.

Schema Changes

The PublishByInventoryItemGroupRequest type was added in 1.5.0 to support the new publishOfferByInventoryItemGroup call.

Version 1.4.0

The following sections detail the updates that have been made for this release.

Schema Changes

The groupIds array was added to the InventoryItem type. This array will be returned by the getInventoryItem and getInventoryItems calls for inventory items that are members of an inventory item group.

The epid field was added to the Product type. However, this field is for future use, and will be ignored if used. Once this field does become available, the seller will be able to pass in an eBay Product Identifier (EPID) value, and if this identifier is matched to a product in the eBay catalog, listing details will be automatically picked up for the inventory item record.

Version 1.3.0

The following sections detail the updates that have been made for this release.

New Calls

The withdrawOffer call was added in Version 1.3.0. This call allows the seller to end an eBay listing that is associated with the specified offer. This call is used in place of the deleteOffer call if the seller only wants to end the listing associated with the offer but does not want to delete the offer object. With this call, the offer object remains, but it goes into the unpublished state, and will require a publishOffer call to relist the offer.

Schema Changes

The WithdrawResponse type was added in 1.3.0 to support the new withdrawOffer call.

New Features

Real-time Inventory Check functionality added to the Inventory API. With this functionality, the merchant enables and provides an API endpoint to eBay, and eBay will make a call to this endpoint at checkout to verify that adequate quantity exists to fulfill the order for an inventory item. In the request payload of this call to the merchant, eBay sends the inventory location, the SKU value, the fulfillment type, and the requested quantity, and then the response from the merchant will include a boolean to indicate if adequate quantity exists, a timestamp for the inventory check, and the total available quantity for the inventory item.

Version 1.2.0

The following sections detail the updates that have been made for this release.

New Calls

The bulkMigrateListings call was added in Version 1.2.0. This call allows the seller to convert active eBay listings into the corresponding Inventory API objects. A successful migration will allow the seller to manage their inventory and offers within the Inventory API.

Schema Changes

All schema changes for 1.2.0 involve the new bulkMigrateListings call. The new types include:

  • BulkMigrateListing
  • MigrateListing
  • BulkMigrateListingResponse
  • MigrateListingResponse
  • InventoryItemListing

Version 1.1.0

The following sections detail the updates that have been made for this release. Note that Version 1.1.0 changes are isolated to the inventory location calls.

Schema Changes

Although there were no interface name changes, a new type named LocationDetails was added. The location field in the Create Inventory Location call request now uses the LocationDetails type instead of the Location type. However, the Location type is still used by the responses of the Get Inventory Location and Get Inventory Locations calls.

Documentation Changes and Errata

Although the locationId field was already be returned in the responses of the Get Inventory Location and Get Inventory Locations calls, this field was missing from the Inventory API Call Reference documentation. With this release, the field has been added to the documentation.

Error Code Changes

The following table shows the error code changes that have been made for each inventory location API call:

Call Error Code Changes(s)

Error code 25803 was added

Error code 25800 replaces error code 25400

Error code 25801 replaces error code 25401

deleteInventoryLocation >Error code 25805 replaces error code 25404
disableInventoryLocation Error code 25805 replaces error code 25404
enableInventoryLocation >Error code 25805 replaces error code 25404
getInventoryLocation Error code 25805 replaces error code 25404
getInventoryLocations No error code changes

Error code 25800 replaces error code 25400

Error code 25801 replaces error code 25401

Error code 25805 replaces error code 25404

Version 1.0.0

This is the initial release of the Inventory API, Version 1.0.0

For a list of the new calls, refer to the Inventory API Call Reference.

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