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Per the recent Watermark Removal Policy Enforcement Update, eBay has decided that we will not enforce the removal of watermarks by March 2018 as originally planned.

We want to thank those of you who took the time to contact us to explain the challenges you and/or your customers faced with the original timing. We know that the holidays are a crucial time of year, and we want you to be able to focus completely on selling right now.

Thank you to those who have already removed watermarks from your pictures. Because of your efforts, your listings will more likely be surfaced in Google Shopping search and on eBay Partner Network affiliate sites; and your products will be eligible to be featured in eBay deals, promotions, and product-based shopping experiences.

Note that eBay's Picture Policy has not changed, and that watermarks are still not permitted per the policy. If you are a provider, please do not offer watermarking capabilities on images that you pass in picture fields (e.g., PictureURL and GalleryURL).

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