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I am trying to get the Shipping Services available via GeteBayDetails, but for some sites it does not return anything. Why is this happening?
At the time of writing this article, certain eBay sites like Sweden, Malaysia and Phillippines do not have shipping services available and hence GeteBayDetails does not return any information for those sites. If you use the Sell Your Item flow (SYI), and try to list an item on those sites, you will see that the sites do not have shipping services that you can select from, which are available on sites like US. If your application does cater to international users, it is recommended that you periodically make a call to GeteBayDetails for all the sites that you service to ensure that you do get the shipping services, if they become available.
Additional Resources
- Documentation: GeteBayDetails
- Knowledge Base article: Getting the values and descriptions of information used by eBay
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