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Why is GetOrders returning warning-21917182 instead of giving the order details ?
If an item is removed by Customer Support due to violation of a policy, GetOrders api will not return any order details, instead return the following warning :
<ShortMessage>Invalid orderlineids.</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>OrderLineItemIDs 182XXX:381XXX-58XXX could not be found. Associated Items may have been deleted or removed.</LongMessage>
<ErrorParameters ParamID="0">
Also an easy way to check is by making a GetItem api call. For any item removed by CS, GetItem will also not return any details and throw error-17
<ShortMessage>Item cannot be accessed.</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>This item cannot be accessed because the listing has been deleted, is a listing, or you are not the seller.</LongMessage>
<ErrorParameters ParamID="0">