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Is there sample code on using GetNotificationsUsage with the .NET SDK?
Attached is a Visual Studio .NET 2008 command line project in C# that shows how to make and process the GetNotificationsUsage call using eBay SDK v1131.0 for .NET
1. Before you build this sample project, please make sure to check that the project's reference to eBay.Service is valid
The path to this reference is D:\Program Files\eBay\eBay SDK v1131.0 for .NET\eBay.Service.dll in this sample.
If needed, remove the existing reference, and add the reference again pointing to whereever this file is on your computer.
2. Before you run the sample, you will need to fill in your information in place of the "xxx" in the following lines of source code:
// set the dev,app,cert information
oContext.ApiCredential.ApiAccount.Developer = "xxx";
oContext.ApiCredential.ApiAccount.Application = "xxx";
oContext.ApiCredential.ApiAccount.Certificate = "xxx";
// set the AuthToken
oContext.ApiCredential.eBayToken = "xxx";
Please note that the default API URL is set to Production:
oContext.SoapApiServerUrl = "";