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Under what conditions does the ..User.ShippingAddress.AddressId returned in GetSellerTransactions change?
Please note that addresses in the eBay system can only be deleted or added. In other words, an existing address can not be modified. The AddressId returned in GetSellerTransactions will represent the selected Shipping Address Record on file for the specific user at the time of the transaction. If a user adds a new primary shipping address, no modification to existing transactions will be made. If a user deletes a shipping address, no modification to existing
transactions will be made.
Generally, developers should honor the returned address information for each specific transaction. The AddressId can be used as database key and also to reference distinct address records for a given user. If the returned AddressId differs from that on of the AddressId on file, the application should prompt the user that a new Address is being returned for a transaction.
The below example GetSellerTransactions response tags demonstrate how the AddressId value is altered when Addresses are modified:
Step1: Existing Call to GetSellerTransactions for Item 1
<ItemId>Item 1</ItemId>
Step2: Buyer adds new Primary Shipping Address on and GetSellerTransactions is called again for Item 1
<ItemId>Item 1</ItemId>
<AddressId>138992</AddressId> (note: AddressId is not 'back-modified')
Step3: Buyer purchases Item 2 using the new shipping address
<ItemId>Item 1</ItemId>
<ItemId>Item 2</ItemId>
<AddressId>139081</AddressId> (note: new AddressId is returned for Item 2)
Step4: Buyer deletes the original shipping address and purchases Item 3
<ItemId>Item 1</ItemId>
<AddressId>138992</AddressId> (note: AddressId is not 'back-deleted')
<ItemId>Item 2</ItemId>
<ItemId>Item 3</ItemId>