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Why does my ReviseSellingManagerSaleRecord request fail with "Sale record doesnt exist"?
Why does my ReviseSellingManagerSaleRecord request fail with "Sale record doesnt exist"?
Detailed Description
When making a call to ReviseSellingManagerSaleRecord you need input the necessary fields. If you use the OrderID or OrderLineItemID, either one is sufficient to use on it's own. BUT, if you want to use the ItemID or TransactionID, you must use both. A listing can have multiple order line items (transactions), but only one ItemID. An ItemID can be paired up with a corresponding TransactionID and used as an input filter for ReviseSellingManagerSaleRecord. The ItemID/TransactionID pair corresponds to a Selling Manager SaleRecordID, which can be retrieved with the GetSellingManagerSaleRecord call.
In the case of "Chinese" auction items, the TransactionID is 0. You still must input the TransactionID field in your call and enter 0 for the value. Here is an example request using ItemID and TransactionID for an auction item:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ReviseSellingManagerSaleRecordRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents"> <ErrorLanguage>er_US</ErrorLanguage> <DetailLevel>ReturnAll</DetailLevel> <Version>757</Version> <RequesterCredentials> <eBayAuthToken>enter token here</eBayAuthToken> </RequesterCredentials> <ItemID>enter ItemID</ItemID> <TransactionID>0</TransactionID> <SellingManagerSoldOrder> <ActualShippingCost>0.64</ActualShippingCost> </SellingManagerSoldOrder> </ReviseSellingManagerSaleRecordRequest> |