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How to get your ClientAlerts
How to make a GetUserAlerts call
1. Create a user token for the user and application
2. Call GetClientAlertsAuthTokenRequest passing in the user token created in step 1
3. Using the ClientAlertsAuthToken from step 2, call Login to get SessionData
4. Call GetSessionID
5. Call GetUserAlerts with SessionData from 3 and SessionID from 4
Step 1:
Get User Token:
In this process, some of the steps are completed by the user, some by eBay, and some by your application.
- A user indicates an intention to use your application (for example, by clicking a Subscribe button in your application interface).
- Your application makes a GetSessionID request to eBay, and receives a session ID (SessionID).
GetSessionID is described in reference detail at GetSessionID.
- Your application uses the session ID to construct an eBay sign-in URL that sends the user to the eBay sign-in page and consent form.
Use the following URL to redirect a user to the eBay sign-in page:<RuName>&SessID=<SessionID>
The URL must include &SessID=SessionID and &runmae=RuName. SessID identifies the user and RuName the application. The SessionID must be URL-encoded in the sign-in URL.
The equivalent URL for the Sandbox is:<RuName>&SessID=<SessionID>
- The user signs in on the eBay sign-in page.
- eBay forwards the user to your application's consent form.
- The user consents or rejects your application.
- eBay forwards the user to an eBay page that confirms their action (they are thanked and told, "You may close this window").
- Your application calls FetchToken to retrieve the user token
See Getting a Token via FetchToken.
Step 2: GetClientAlertsAuthTokenRequest
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetClientAlertsAuthTokenRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
The response should contain a <ClientAlertsAuthToken>
Step 3: Call Login:
ClientAlertsAuthToken=Your ClientAlertsAuthToken from Step 2
Step 4: GetSessionID
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetSessionIDRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
Step 5: Call GetUserAlerts
SessionID=MySessionID from Step 4&
Data=From Step 3
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