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If a seller list items on the US site and ship from abroad the sellers are now required to specify shipping using either one of the branded carrier services offered on the site or using the new generic "from outside U.S." service names.
If a seller list items on the US site and ship from abroad the sellers are now required to specify shipping using either one of the branded carrier services offered on the site or using the new generic "from outside U.S." service names.
If a seller with an item location not in the US specifies shipping using any of the following services, eBay will provide their buyers with a delivery estimate of 11-20 business days, plus their specified handling time. See table for details.
Service name
Estimated delivery time used for domestic delivery Estimated delivery time used for shipping from abroad
Economy shipping 1 - 10 business days 11 - 20 business days
Standard shipping 1 - 5 business days 11 - 20 business days
Expedited shipping 1 - 3 business days 11 - 20 business days
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