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Published: July 09 2010, 5:25:00 PM Updated: August 16 2022, 7:15:31 PM
How can I find the condition IDs for a specified category and upload an item with one of the IDs?
Summary Make a call to GetCategoryFeatures to get the available item condition definition, then pass one of the condition ID in AddItem or ReviseItem call.
Here is a sample based on Java SDK to call GetCategoryFeatures. We specified the category to 147285 on US site:
package com.ebay.test; import com.ebay.sdk.ApiAccount; import com.ebay.sdk.ApiContext; import com.ebay.sdk.ApiCredential; import com.ebay.sdk.ApiLogging; import com.ebay.sdk.CallRetry; import; import com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents.CategoryFeatureType; import com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents.ConditionEnabledCodeType; import com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents.ConditionType; import com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents.DetailLevelCodeType; import com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents.SiteCodeType;
public class AppGetCategoryFeatures {
public static ApiContext createApiContext() {
ApiContext apiContext = new ApiContext(); ApiLogging apiLogging = new ApiLogging(); apiContext.setApiLogging(apiLogging); CallRetry cr = new CallRetry(); cr.setMaximumRetries(3); cr.setDelayTime(1000); // Wait for one second between each retry-call.
String[] apiErrorCodes = new String[] { "502" };
// Set trigger exceptions for CallRetry. cr.setTriggerApiErrorCodes(apiErrorCodes);
// Build a dummy SdkSoapException so that we can get its Class. Class [] tcs = new Class[] { com.ebay.sdk.SdkSoapException. class }; cr.setTriggerExceptions(tcs); apiContext.setCallRetry(cr); apiContext.setTimeout(180000);
ApiCredential cred = new ApiCredential(); apiContext.setApiServerUrl( "" ); // apiContext.setApiServerUrl(""); cred.seteBayToken(YOUR-TOKEN); apiContext.setApiCredential(cred);
return apiContext;
private static GetCategoryFeaturesCall getCatFeature(String categoryId, SiteCodeType site) {
GetCategoryFeaturesCall request = new GetCategoryFeaturesCall( createApiContext ());request.setSite(site); request .setDetailLevel( new DetailLevelCodeType[] { DetailLevelCodeType. RETURN_ALL });
request.setCategoryID(categoryId); request.setOutputSelector( new String[] { "Category.ConditionEnabled" , "Category.ConditionValues.Condition.ID" , "Category.ConditionValues.Condition.DisplayName" });
try {
} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
return request;
public static void main(String[] args) {
GetCategoryFeaturesCall cf = getCatFeature ( "147285" , SiteCodeType. US );
/* * Since we call GetCategoryFeatures for a specified category, so we * just get the first category element here */
CategoryFeatureType feature = cf.getReturnedCategory()[0];
/* * If condition Enabled is disabled, then DO NOT pass conditionID in * AddItem or ReviseItem for this category */
if (feature.getConditionEnabled().equals( ConditionEnabledCodeType. ENABLED )) {
for (ConditionType con : feature.getConditionValues() .getCondition())
System. out .println(con.getID() + " - " + con.getDisplayName()); }
After run the code, you will see the condition ID definition for this category as:
1000 - New with box
1500 - New without box
1750 - New with defects 3000 - Pre-owned
Then pick up one of the condition ID, say "New". So we have to pass condtionID "1000" in the AddItem or ReviseItem Call:
AddItemCall request = new AddItemCall(createApiContext ()); ItemType item = new ItemType(); item.setConditionID(1000);
request.setItem(item); request.addItem();
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