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We're using GetSellerList, and that has <Quantity> and <QuantitySold> but not quantity available.
According to the documentation , one should subtract QuantitySold "from the value returned in Quantity to calculate the number of items still available for purchase.” How this work when the original quantity has been changed and inventory has been revised?
You should always use (Quantity-QuantitySold) formula to determine the number of items available for a listing.
Here is an example:
1. You specify Item.Quantity to 15 in AddFixedPriceItem/AddItem and send the request to have the listing shown up on eBay.
2. A buyer places an offer and purchase7 items,
3. GetSellerList API returns <Quantity>15</Quantity> and <QuantitySold>7</QuantitySold> for the listing. As a result, you can tell there are Eight (15-7=8) items left at that time.
4. For some reason, seller then revise the listing with ReviseFixedPriceItem/ReviseItem call by setting Item.Quantity to 1 in the request indicating that he/she has ONLY ONE item available for sale.
5. You then get Item.Quantity 8 and Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold 7 in GetSellerList API response for this listing, which also means the number of the items available in the listing is ONE now.
Question: Does this work for a Variations listing ?
Answer: The same logic applies to Variations listings.
When Adding or Revising such listings, you can only specify item quantity in variation level -> Item.Variations.Variation.Quantity, but when comes report, as for regular eBay listing, GetSellerList returns Item level properties such as Item.Quantity which is the sum of each Item.Variations.Variation.Quantity as well as Item.SellingStatus.QuantitySold that is the sum of every Item.Variations.Variation.SellingStatus.QuantitySold for MSKU listings.
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