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Published: August 28 2009, 11:19:00 AMUpdated: August 09 2022, 3:17:49 PM


I tried listing an item using the AddFixedPriceItem call, but for some reason could not get the response. How can I find if my call went through successfully and whether a listing was created. I am tracking my inventory by SKU and also sending in a UUID as per the recommended best practice.



1. Make a call to GetItem by passing the in the SKU number that you used in your AddFixedPriceItem request. If your AddFixedPriceItem call did go through successfully, GetItem will return a successful response with the ItemID, else it will fail with the following message, by which you can infer that your AddFixedPriceItem call failed -

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<GetItemResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
  <ShortMessage>No Matching SKU</ShortMessage>
  <LongMessage>There is no active item matching the specified SKU</LongMessage>

2. If you are NOT using SKU as your inventory tracking method, but do send UUID, send the same AddFixedPriceItem request again. If it succeeds, it means that your 1st AddFixedPriceItem request failed. If it doesn't, the error message will return the ItemID of the listing that resulted via your 1st AddFixedPriceItem call.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<AddFixedPriceItemResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
  <ShortMessage>Duplicate UUID used.</ShortMessage>
  <LongMessage>The specified UUID has already been used; ListedByRequestAppId=1, item ID=110040602158.</LongMessage>
  <ErrorParameters ParamID="0">
  <ErrorParameters ParamID="1">

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