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Published: June 02 2008, 12:18:00 PMUpdated: August 05 2022, 11:47:43 AM

Set multiple NotificationURL for an application.


   To specify and use more than one notification URLs for an application, you need to do the following:

   1. Define the additional URL in DeliveryURLDetails container with DeliveryURL, DeliveryURLName and Status properties.

   2. Associate the user notification subscriptions to a DeliveryURLName specified.

 Detailed Description

  • Call SetNotificationPreferences API to set the Application level subscription and define the additional URL in DeliveryURLDetails container with DeliveryURL, DeliveryURLName and Status properties.


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <SetNotificationPreferencesRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">


NOTE. You are allowed to modify the DeliveryURLDetails.DeliveryURL and DeliveryURLDetails.Status properties as your convenience, however; once a DeliveryURLDetails is created, you can't change the DeliveryURLName value since it works as a primary key that used  to identify a group of subscribed notification receivers.

  •  Make SetNotificationPreferences call for User level subscription and associate the user notification subscription to a DeliveryURLName defined


   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <SetNotificationPreferencesRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">

             <!-- Map this user to the Delivery URL named  "Selling_User_group"-->            
             <!-- You can pass multiple values separated with comma in this field as:  Selling_User_group, UK_Buyer_group  -->


    NOTE. 1. If DeliveryURLName is not presented in SetNotificationPreference request, the user level subscription will be mapped to the default Notification URL specified in ApplicationURL property.

                 2. Please refer to the Knowledge Base article titled  Subscribing to Platform Notifications  for how to support multiple eBay users with your notification listener server.

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