Migrating to the JAX-WS eBay SDK for Java

The eBay SDK for Java based on Apache Axis 1.1 will be deprecated in the future. This document is intended for users who have previously installed that version and are migrating to the JAX-WS eBay SDK for Java.

Please note the following important information:

Summary of Changes
Development Requirements
Installation Instructions
Post-Installation Configuration
Migrating the eBay SDK from Axis 1.1 to JAX-WS
General Information on the JAX-WS eBay SDK for Java
Differences Between eBay SDKs when Migrating from Axis 1.1 to JAX-WS


Please note the following important information about migrating to this SDK:

Summary of Changes

Please note the following important SDK code changes:

For detailed information about these changes, including code snippets, please see Differences Between eBay SDKs when Migrating from Axis 1.1 to JAX-WS below.

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Development Requirements

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Installation Instructions

This section describes how to install the JAX-WS eBay SDK for Java if you have already installed the previous Axis 1.1 eBay SDK for Java.

The complete migration should always be done in a test environment and should be fully tested before use in production.

  1. Please note that the zip file for the JAX-WS release is used for both JDK 1.5.x and JDK 1.6.x.
  2. Download the zip file for the JAX-WS release from the eBay SDK for Java download page and note its location.
  3. Rename the existing C:\eBayJavaSDK directory (from the installation instructions for the Axis 1.1 eBay SDK for Java) to a different name, such as C:\eBayJavaSDK_Axis. This will allow rolling back the installation of this JAX-WS release if necessary.
  4. Recreate the following folder: C:\eBayJavaSDK.
  5. Within C:\eBayJavaSDK, create an "SDKInstallDir_JAX-WS" folder to contain the SDK files for the JAX-WS release. You can also name that folder according to the Trading API version of this release, which is based on version 595 of the eBay WSDL. For example, the name of the folder could be "SDKInstallDir_595". This folder is the installation directory (SDKInstallDir).
  6. Go to the location of the zip file you downloaded (noted in step 2), and extract the zip file into the SDKInstallDir folder you created in step 5.
  7. See Post-Installation Configuration to configure the release, if required.

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Post-Installation Configuration

Update and run the ..\SDKInstallDir\setenv.bat file as described below if any of the following apply:

Building the JAX-WS eBay SDK is necessary only for advanced users who have added a customization to the JAX-WS eBay SDK's source code or need to synchronize the source code with a new version of the eBay Web Services Definition Language (WSDL).

The majority of users can skip to the second step in Migrating the eBay SDK from Axis 1.1 to JAX-WS after installing the JAX-WS eBay SDK as described in Installation Instructions, if no upgrades to Apache ANT or the JDK were completed.

Modify the ..\SDKInstallDir\setenv.bat file as follows:

  1. After upgrading to Apache Ant 1.6.x or later version, modify the ..\SDKInstallDir\setenv.bat file by adding the bin directory of your ANT installation to the PATH environment variable.
  2. Modify the ..\SDKInstallDir\setenv.bat file so that the JAVA_HOME environmental variable is set to either the JDK 1.5.x or JDK 1.6.x directory.
  3. (Optional) If you have installed Jakarta Tomcat, set the TOMCAT_HOME environment variable in ..\SDKInstallDir\setenv.bat to the Jakarta Tomcat location. This step is required only if you wish to run the included JSP samples using Tomcat.
  4. Make sure to run ..\SDKInstallDir\setenv.bat from a command window.

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Migrating the eBay SDK from Axis 1.1 to JAX-WS

  1. (Optional) This step is for users who need to build the JAX-WS release. After running ..\SDKInstallDir\setenv.bat in a command window, run 'ant build' in the same console window. This will:
  2. It is recommended that you proceed with the next steps after installing Eclipse version 3.2 (or higher) and configuring the IDE with the project files included in the installation directory. Please see ..\SDKInstallDir\DevEnvReadme.htm for instructions on setting up Eclipse with the included project files. Using Eclipse to observe existing code will faciliate the migration as the IDE will highlight most code differences as syntax errors, allowing you to quickly identify them.
  3. Get familiar with the main changes of the JAX-WS eBay SDK as described in this migration guide. For complete details, see Differences Between eBay SDKs when Migrating from Axis 1.1 to JAX-WS below.
  4. Within the installation directory, go through some of the samples at ..\SDKInstallDir\samples\ to learn how eBay has migrated the SDK samples and reinforced the changes described in Differences Between eBay SDKs when Migrating from Axis 1.1 to JAX-WS. A file comparison utility can be used to highlight code differences between files in C:\eBayJavaSDK_Axis\SDKInstallDir\samples\ (see Installation Instructions) and C:\eBayJavaSDK\SDKInstallDir\samples\ (the JAX-WS eBay SDK samples).
  5. To start migrating your application in a test environment using Eclipse or another IDE of your choice, do the following:
    Note that the majority of code changes will involve changing the application's code where applicable. The .jar files that you should reference in your application's Java Build Path can be found at C:\eBayJavaSDK\SDKInstallDir\lib\. Ensure that you are not referencing files in C:\eBayJavaSDK_Axis\SDKInstallDir\lib\.
  6. Compile your application and use Eclipse (or your selected IDE) to iteratively revise your code.

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General Information on the JAX-WS eBay SDK for Java

The JAX-WS eBay SDK for Java offers various improvements over the Axis 1.1 eBay SDK for Java. These include improvements in performance, standardized solutions, parsing, stability and flexibility at the transport level, among others.

In the Axis 1.1 eBay SDK for Java, source code customization was made to the Axis framework in an effort to increase performance metrics, add improved exception handling and implement other enhancements. This customization ultimately proved difficult to maintain across SDK versions. Additionally, the feedback from many of our developers indicated that this SDK was too dependent on the customized Axis framework, thus not being as configurable as desired.

Thus, for the JAX-WS eBay SDK for Java, no source code customization has been made to the JAX-WS RI. In other words, the JAX-WS RI that is included in the JAX-WS release can be downloaded from the official JAX-WS RI website. The limited number of Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) custom bindings can be found in the ..\SDKInstallDir\custom-binding.xml file, and these will be periodically updated between SDK versions. Because such customization is built using JAXB technology and decoupled from the JAX-WS RI source code, it is non-intrusive and straightforward to maintain.

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Differences Between eBay SDKs when Migrating from Axis 1.1 to JAX-WS

The changes described in this section apply to classes in the com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents package. Code changes to other packages within the JAX-WS eBay SDK arise from changes to com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents, as these other packages use classes from com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents. As an example, changes to the com.ebay.sdk package are based on changes to classes in com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents, and are not documented here.

Java Classes Replaced with Strings

The following classes have been removed from com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents package and have been replaced with java.lang.String:

Axis 1.1
JAX-WS Equivalent
BestOfferIDType.java java.lang.String
BidderIDType.java java.lang.String
DisputeIDType.java java.lang.String
ItemIDType.java java.lang.String
MyMessagesAlertIDType.java java.lang.String
MyMessagesMessageIDType.java java.lang.String
OrderIDType.java java.lang.String
RecipientRelationCodeType.java java.lang.String
SKUType.java java.lang.String
UserIDType.java java.lang.String
UUIDType.java java.lang.String

Note that BidderIDType.java was an orphaned data type, as it was not referenced by other data types in our WSDL. Code changes will only apply to the other data type classes listed above.

The java.lang.String class replaces these wrapper classes in the JAX-WS eBay SDK, simpifying the code by eliminating the need to instantiate or use a separate object when needing access to these simple data values. Wherever a method expected an instance of any one of these classes as a parameter, a java.lang.String must be passed instead. Furthermore, a method that returned an instance of one of these classes will return a java.lang.String.

The following code example illustrates the use of an instance of the ItemIDType class in the Axis 1.1 eBay SDK:

    EndItemCall call = new EndItemCall(this.apiContext);

    //strItemID is a java.util.String private field containing the itemID
    if( this.strItemID.length() == 0 ) throw new SdkException("Please enter item ID.");

    //we must first create an ItemIDType object to populate our call
    ItemIDType item = new ItemIDType(this.strItemID);

Using java.lang.String in the JAX-WS eBay SDK is simpler:

    EndItemCall call = new EndItemCall(this.apiContext);

    //strItemID is a java.util.String private field containing the itemID
    if( this.strItemID.length() == 0 ) throw new SdkException("Please enter item ID.");

    //no need to instantiate a ItemIDType object here

Also, in the JAX-WS eBay SDK, a java.lang.String must be used to specify a URI/URL whenever an org.apache.axis.types.URI object was expected in the Axis 1.1 eBay SDK. Again, this eliminates the need for the extraneous wrapper object. However, the URI must be valid or the server will return an error. You can optionally use java.net.URI to validate the URL by instantiating a java.net.URI object and then using the toString() method, as illustrated below. Note that a URISyntaxException, which is a checked exception, will be thrown if the java.net.URI does not conform with the RFC 2396: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax standard.

The code snippet below illustrates the typical use of an org.apache.axis.types.URI object in the Axis 1.1 eBay SDK:

    PictureDetailsType picDetails = new PictureDetailsType();
    org.apache.axis.types.URI myURI = new org.apache.axis.types.URI("https://www.yourpicsource.com/index.php?itemID=1234");

Here's the same code snippet in the JAX-WS eBay SDK:

    PictureDetailsType picDetails = new PictureDetailsType();

If you would prefer to dynamically validate your URL endpoint, use java.net.URI as follows. Keep in mind that URISyntaxException is a checked exception, so you must either surround the code below within an exception-handling try-catch block or declare throws URISyntaxException in the method signature. An example of the try-catch block is illustrated:

    try {
        java.net.URI validURL = new java.net.URI("https://www.yourpicsource.com/index.php?itemID=1234");
    catch(java.net.URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Please specify a valid URL.");

As with URI/URLs, a java.lang.String will also replace an org.apache.axis.types.Token class in the JAX-WS eBay SDK. For an example of this replacement, please refer to the next section.

Changes to Enum Constant Names

The following changes apply to enum constant names:

The following lines of code illustrate the names of enum constants when using the Axis 1.1 eBay SDK:

    BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType[] paymentMethods = new BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType[] {BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType.Other, BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType.PayPal};

Here's the same line using the JAX-WS eBay SDK:

    BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType[] paymentMethods = new BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType[] {BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType.OTHER, BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType.PAY_PAL};

The described changes apply to all enumeration classes. The naming convention used for enumeration classes in com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents is usually: ClassNameCodeType.java.

Changes to Enum Classes

The fromString() method is deprecated from all enumeration classes in the com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents package in the JAX-WS eBay SDK, as the org.apache.axis.types.Token class is no longer available.

However, the fromValue() method, which accepts a java.lang.String as a parameter, can now be used to directly convert a String to an enum constant in the JAX-WS eBay SDK. Note that the fromValue() method from the Axis 1.1 eBay SDK previously accepted an org.apache.axis.types.Token class as a parameter.

Also, the value() method in an enumeration class in the JAX-WS eBay SDK will now return a java.lang.String instead of an org.apache.axis.types.Token.

Regarding implementation in the JAX-WS eBay SDK, classes representing enumerations are implemented as Java Enum classes. Their class definitions start with:

    public enum EnumName { 

Since these classes collectively have a nearly identical public interface, some methods previously available in Axis 1.1 enumeration classes are no longer defined in these Enum classes.

For example, enumeration classes in the Axis 1.1 eBay SDK:

Although enumerations defined by Java Enum classes in the JAX-WS eBay SDK implement the java.io.Serializable interface for backwards compatibility, the methods listed above are no longer available.

The described changes apply to all enumeration classes. The naming convention used for enumeration classes in com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents is usually: ClassNameCodeType.java.

Changes to Non-Enum Classes

Any public or private method with a signature that either accepts parameters or returns objects from packages within the org.apache.axis hierarchy will no longer be available in com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents classes. In most cases, these methods are no longer needed due to the new JAX-WS/JAXB framework, or they might have been replaced by equivalent methods.

Constructor Changes to Selected Data Classes

The following classes previously defined two constructors in their class definitions: a default (no-args) constructor and another constructor with a parameter like java.lang.String. In the JAX-WS eBay SDK, only a default (no-args) constructor is available for the following data classes:

Due to changes in stub generation, the JAX-WS eBay SDK will generate these com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents classes with only a default constructor.

Name Changes for Getter Methods of Boolean Fields

Whenever a class in com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents defines a private java.lang.Boolean instance field, and if the public interface for the class includes a getter (accessor) method to retrieve this object from the instance, the getter method generated by the JAX-WS eBay SDK will always be named as follows: the word "is" prefixed to the name of the private instance field.

As an example, the com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents class GetItemTransactionsRequestType.java defines the following private instance fields of type java.lang.Boolean:

JAXB's wsimport will generate the following getter methods for these java.lang.Boolean fields:

Also, wsimport creates setter (mutator) methods for these instance fields prefixing the customary word "set" to the name of the fields:

Note that this naming convention, as well as many of the other code changes described here, are required by the JAXB specification, and not by eBay.

When creating getters and setters for private instance fields of data types other than java.lang.Boolean, JAXB's wsimport creates methods that are identical to Axis 1.1's wsdl2java. That is, getters are prefixed with "get" and setters are prefixed with "set", as expected:

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