You can use the eBayCodeGenerator Tool to generate code from an eBay WSDL. The tool can be executed from inside Visual Studio .NET or from the command line.
C:\Program Files\eBay\<SDK for Windows InstallDir>\Source\eBay.Service.SDK\Core\Soap\WebService.xml.
C:\Program Files\eBay\<SDK for Windows InstallDir>\Source\eBay.Service.SDK\Core\Soap\WebService.cs
1. To run the eBayCodeGenerator Tool from the command line, use either gen05.bat or gen08.bat batch file in Tools\CodeGen folder, depending on whether you have Visual Studio .NET 2005 or Visual Studio .NET 2008. The following input parameters are supported:
-h display the usage information -f output file name -l language for the generated code; (cs = Csharp, vb = VB .NET) -m mode of the output file 1 create one file for all generated classes 2 create one file for one generated class -n root namespace for the generated code -p path for the output file(s) -w URL for the wsdl
The batch files execute the following command:
CodeGen -f out.cs -m 1 -n eBay.Service.Core.Soap -l cs -p soap
2. An NAnt build script has been provided in the SDK root folder, if you have NAnt intalled, you can run the eBayCodeGenerator Tool using command: nant GenProxy