ReadMe - MultiThread

These instructions describe how to build and run the MultiThread test. This test is written in C#.NET and runs AddItem/GetItem/ReviseItem calls in the eBay Production environment using multiple threads.

How to Build and Run the Sample

  1. Open MultiThread.csproj in your version of Microsoft Visual Studio.
  2. Edit the MultiThread/App.config file. Add values in the value attribute for the lines with a key attribute of token, and soapurl. To retrieve the items, soapurl and the credentials must be valid for the Production environment.

    Note: Be sure to make the changes to App.config in the top-level MultiThread directory if you want the changes to persist each time you build the sample. The files in the bin (executable) directory are overwritten with each build.

  3. Build the solution in your version: Build > Build Solution.
  4. Run the solution: Debug > Start Without Debugging.
  5. In the sample's dialog box, choose a number of threads in Num Threads.
  6. Choose a number of calls per thread you want in Num Calls. The total number of calls made will be the value of Num Calls times the value of Num Threads.
  7. Enter a valid Production token, if you did not enter the token in App.config.
  8. Click Start.
  9. Check for details of the test run in bin/log.txt. They should look similar to this:
    [12/1/2006 11:45:16 AM, Informational]
    Total     Setup     Network   Server    Finish    Start Time          
    [12/1/2006 11:45:16 AM, Informational]
    [12/1/2006 11:45:16 AM, Informational]
    8703      7140      635       286       640       2006-12-01 11:45:04.920  
    [12/1/2006 11:45:16 AM, Informational]
    359       0         90        253       15        2006-12-01 11:45:13.638  
    [12/1/2006 11:45:16 AM, Informational]
    484       0         265       203       15        2006-12-01 11:45:13.998  