Applicable Calls for

Due to the way data is stored, and due to differences between and eBay, a subset of the eBay API calls are available for In addition, there are some calls that are exclusively used for

The three tables below provide a summary of the Trading API calls applicable to

Please refer to the standard Trading API Reference for each call. That standard Trading API Reference indicates which fields of each call can apply to

Trading API Reference

The table below lists the calls you can use to manage your inventory. You must be a registered seller in order to use these calls for listings.

Call Summary
AddItem Use this call to list items to
EndItem Use this call to end a listing before all items have sold.
EndItems Use this call to end multiple listings before all items have sold.
ReviseItem Use this call to modify one of your active (unsold) listings.
VerifyAddItem Use this to test your AddItem data before you list items.
GetItem Use this to retrieve data about a listing. (Because sellers tend to have very large inventories, calling GetItem may not be practical for sellers.) As categories and Item Specifics are different from eBay's, GetItem uses some workarounds to map the data: The condition value Brand_New is mapped to the eBay condition value New, and all other condition values are mapped to Used. We return the original condition and the mapped eBay condition in Item.AttributeSetArray. This is different from the label/value format you use to specify the condition in AddItem. If you are used to working with attributes for eBay items, please note that you can use GetAttributesCS to look up the eBay condition IDs, but not the condition IDs. GetItem doesn't return catalog product details for listings.

The table below lists the calls you can use to manage your orders (items that have been purchased) and payments. You must be a registered seller in order to use these calls for listings.

Call Summary
CompleteSale Marks items complete. This includes the ability to mark items Paid or Shipped, and to leave feedback.
GetItemTransactions Retrieves order line item information for a specified item ID. Depending on whether the listing sells one or multiple items and on whether anything has been sold in that listing, this returns zero, one, or multiple order line items. A order line item represents a purchasing relationship between one seller, one buyer, and one listing. On eBay, some listings can contain multiple items (Quantity >1), so a order line item can include multiple items from the same listing, all purchased at the same time (with a single click of the Buy It Now button).
GetOrders Retrieves single and multiple line item orders. An order consists of one or more order line items involving the same buyer and seller. A seller typically creates a Combined Invoice order when they want to combine two purchases from the same buyer into one package to reduce shopping costs. This call retrieves all orders for which the requesting user is a participant (as a buyer or seller).
GetOrderTransactions Retrieves information about one or more orders or one or more order line items (or both).
GetSellerPayments Retrieves information about your pending and paid payments for your sales. This also provides payment information related to refunds you have issued to buyers.
GetSellerTransactions Retrieves order line item information for the user for which the call is made (and not for any other user), where an order line item is the information about the sale of one or more items by one buyer from a single listing.
IssueRefund Use this call to issue a refund to a buyer for a single order line item.

The table below lists calls that provide information about eBay and users.

Call Summary
GetFeedback Use this call to retrieve a user's feedback.
GetUser Use this call to retrieve information about a user. Please note that this call does not provide information that is specific to
LeaveFeedback Use this call to leave feedback for a user.

Certain other eBay calls may also be of interest to sellers. However, calls other than the ones described above do not provide information that is specific to does not support calls that retrieve order line item data in bulk, retrieve category meta-data, manage disputes or unpaid items, or perform other tasks that are specific to listings on the main site.

To verify the details of the items a seller listed, the seller can use eBay's File Exchange application to retrieve their active listings.

File Exchange

Other Services and Calls Supporting Half

The Shopping API provides the FindHalfProducts call, which searches for stock product information (stock description and Item Specifics), such as information about a particular kind of DVD or book. The call also, retrieves up to 30 listings associated with a product.

For more information, see the eBay Developer documentation home page.

Copyright © 2005–2016 eBay Inc. All rights reserved. This documentation and the API may only be used in accordance with the eBay Developers Program and API License Agreement.