eBay SDK for Java (JAX-WS) Readme

Please note the following important information:

Release Information for the eBay SDK for Java
Installation Instructions
General Information for the eBay SDK for Java

Release Information for the eBay SDK for Java

Important: Changes to the Trading API affect the SDK. For example, in schema version 499, deprecated objects in the schema were deleted, creating backward incompatibility. See the Trading API Release Notes for ongoing updates to the schema (including occasional removals of schema elements). Please also see Versioning Strategy and Deprecated Objects.

SDK Version 981 for Java
SDK Version 967 for Java
SDK Version 951 for Java
SDK Version 939 for Java
SDK Version 921 for Java
SDK Version 917 for Java
SDK Version 897 for Java
SDK Version 883 for Java
SDK Version 871 for Java
SDK Version 861 for Java

SDK Version 981

This release is compatible with eBay's 981 Trading WSDL, refer to the Trading API Release Notes for a detailed list of the new elements and features.

SDK Version 967

This release is compatible with eBay's 967 Trading WSDL, refer to the Trading API Release Notes for a detailed list of the new elements and features.

SDK Version 951

This release is compatible with eBay's 951 Trading WSDL, refer to the Trading API Release Notes for a detailed list of the new elements and features.

SDK Version 939

This release is compatible with eBay's 939 Trading WSDL, refer to the Trading API Release Notes for a detailed list of the new elements and features.

SDK Version 921

This release is compatible with eBay's 921 Trading WSDL, refer to the Trading API Release Notes for a detailed list of the new elements and features.

SDK Version 917

This release is compatible with eBay's 917 Trading WSDL, refer to the Trading API Release Notes for a detailed list of the new elements and features.

SDK Version 897

This release is compatible with eBay's 897 Trading WSDL, refer to the Trading API Release Notes for a detailed list of the new elements and features.

SDK Version 883

This release is compatible with eBay's 883 Trading WSDL, refer to the Trading API Release Notes for a detailed list of the new elements and features.

SDK Version 871

This release is compatible with eBay's 871 Trading WSDL, refer to the Trading API Release Notes for a detailed list of the new elements and features.

SDK Version 861

This release is compatible with eBay's 861 Trading WSDL, refer to the Trading API Release Notes for a detailed list of the new elements and features.

Previous Java SDK Releases

For information about previous versions, see the Axis 1.1 Java SDK Readme.

Installation Instructions

Please note that upgrades to an SDK should always be done in a test environment and fully tested before used in production.

  1. Download the zip file for the version of the eBay SDK for Java that you are using.

  2. Note the location of the zip file you downloaded, but before extracting the file, create the following folder: C:\eBayJavaSDK.

  3. Within C:\eBayJavaSDK, create an "SDKInstallDir" folder to contain the SDK files. You could name that folder according to the Trading API version of the SDK you are installing. For example, for the SDK for Trading API version 575, you could name the folder eBayJavaSDK575.

  4. Go the location of the zip file you downloaded (noted in step 3), and extract the zip file into the SDKInstallDir folder you created in step 4.

  5. To build the SDK, see Building the SDK.(If you're using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), you do not need to build the SDK, you just need to set the paths to point to the correct libraries and files. See C:\eBayJavaSDK\SDKInstallDir\docs\DevEnvReadme.htm for more information for configuring an IDE)

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General Information for the eBay SDK for Java

Development Requirements
Post-Installation Configuration
SDK-Related Links
Building the SDK
Known Issues
Included in the eBay SDK for Java
WSDL Locations
WSDL Updates
Supported Client Environments
Notes About Logging

Development Requirements

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Post-Installation Configuration

Note: Modify and run the ..\SDKInstallDir\build\setenv.bat file as follows:
  1. After upgrading to Apache Ant 1.6.x, or higher, modify the ..\SDKInstallDir\build\setenv.bat file by adding the bin directory of your ANT installation to the PATH environment variable.
  2. Modify the ..\SDKInstallDir\build\setenv.bat file so that the JAVA_HOME environmental variable is set to either the JDK 1.5.x or JDK 1.6.x directory.
  3. (Optional) If you have installed Jakarta Tomcat, set the TOMCAT_HOME environment variable in ..\SDKInstallDir\build\setenv.bat to the Jakarta Tomcat location. This step is required only if you wish to run the included JSP samples using Tomcat.
  4. Make sure to run ..\SDKInstallDir\build\setenv.bat from a command window.

If you are using the Fedora 8 operating system, install the following patches in order to use the Swing/AWT-based samples in the SDK:
  1. https://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/updates/8/i386/libxcb-1.0-4.fc8.i386.rpm
  2. https://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/updates/8/i386/libxcb-devel-1.0-4.fc8.i386.rpm

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SDK-Related Links

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Building the SDK

In this section, you will use an ANT project file, build.xml, to do the following:


To build the SDK, use the following steps:

  1. Review and follow all the steps in the Installation Instructions

  2. In a command window, change the directory to the SDKInstallDir described in the Installation Instructions

  3. In SDKInstallDir, follow the instructions in Post-Installation Configuration to change 'JAVA_HOME' in the 'setenv.bat' file according to your local JDK installation, then run 'setenv.bat' in command line.

  4. In the same command window, in SDKInstallDir/build, run the following command: ant build,
    (for a list of available ant tasks, run: ant help)

  5. When a new WSDL is available, advanced users can use it to update the SDK:
    1. Read the Trading API Release Notes. The Release Notes contain changes for Trading API versions released after your current version. The Release Notes are located at the Developer Documentation Center.

    2. Download the new WSDL(see WSDL Locations) you want to use to SDKInstallDir\source\wsdl folder.

    3. At a command prompt, from ...\SDKInstallDir\build, run the following command:
      ant build

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Known Issues

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Included in the eBay SDK for Java

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WSDL Locations

The WSDL is located at https://developer.ebay.com/webservices/Version/ebaySvc.wsdl.

Version in the URL means latest or it means a numerical version of a WSDL release (see the top of the particular WSDL file).

In the case of Version meaning latest, the WSDL is the latest released version (https://developer.ebay.com/webservices/latest/ebaySvc.wsdl). If Version in the URL means a numerical version of the WSDL, Version is a number (for example, https://developer.ebay.com/webservices/445/ebaySvc.wsdl).

Hypothetically, if the latest release of the WSDL were 449, you would find that WSDL version at both https://developer.ebay.com/webservices/latest/ebaySvc.wsdl and at https://developer.ebay.com/webservices/449/ebaySvc.wsdl.

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WSDL Updates

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Supported Client Environments

eBay has tested the eBay SDK for Java using the following client environments:

Note: You can use any integrated development environment (IDE) with the eBay SDK for Java, as long as it supports the above environments.

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Notes About Logging

Starting with SDK version 687, the eBay SDK uses the Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J), a simple facade for various logging frameworks, e.g. log4j, java.uitl.logging (also referred to as JDK 1.4 logging).

By default, eBay SDK uses log4j as the underlying logging framework. To let log4j work properly, you need to configure log4j beforehand. For example, you can configure log4j in the log4j.properties file and put this file in the classpath of your application (for a sample log4j.properties file, refer to the SDK sample consoleAddItem, in {SDKRoot}\samples\consoleAddItem\src\main\resources).

If you want to switch to another logging framework such as java.util.logging, you need to remove slf4j-log4j12-1.6.1.jar and log4j-1.2.16.jar from your classpath, then add slf4j-jdk14-1.6.1.jar (in {SDKRoot}\lib\externalLib\optional\slf4j-1.6.1) in your classpath. For details about how to configure java.util.logging, refer to Java SDK documentation.

For more details about SLF4J, refer to its official site.

SDK logging can be further configured by setting ApiContext instance accordingly, for example, if you want to disable SOAP payload logging (by default, it is enabled), just call setLogSOAPMessages (false) on the ApiLogging instance (property of ApiContext). For more settings of ApiLogging, refer to SDK library reference.

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